2011年3月16日 星期三








1. 英國政府對福島核電事故的評價


2011年03月16日 14:16<!-- -->



イギリス政府が科学顧問のHilary Walkerなどに依頼して日本大使館に送ってきた、15日現在の影響評価(日本語要約by岩瀬大輔氏)<span> </span>

  • 1つの原子炉がメルトダウンしても、被害が出るのは50キロ圏内。2つ以上の原子炉がメルトダウンしても、被害はあまり変わらない。

  • 現在の20キロ圏内の避難勧告は、妥当な判断。

  • 専門家は、東京在住者への健康被害の可能性はないと見ている。

  • 専門家は、風向き云々ではなく、東京は距離的に離れているから健康には影響ないと見ている。

  • 原子炉が冷やされるにつれて、10日程度で状況はかなり改善する。

  • 日本の当局から出される情報は、多くの機関から監視されており、現在まで正しい情報を流していると見られている。

  • チェルノブイリとはかなり状況が違う。チェルノブイリの時は、原子炉がメルトダウンし、ケースが爆破し、何週間も炎上していた。チェルノブイリの時でさえ、30マイル(50キロ)離れていれば、健康を守るのに十分だった。一番問題となったのは、被災した食料・飲料を食べて病気になったこと。当時、食料の放射線レベルを測定したり、危険を知らせる試みは、全くなかった。

  • ブリティッシュスクールの校長は、学校を閉鎖し続けるか質問してきたが、原発を恐れ、閉鎖する必要はないと回答した。

  • ヨウ素に関して、専門家は、多量の放射線や被災した食料・飲料を取り込んだ際に限り必要となるもので、長期にわたり、ヨウ素を体内に取り込むのは、どんな場合であっても、不健康。



BCCJ Members Update on Japan’s Nuclear Power station situation


At 5pm Tokyo time (Tuesday 15th March 2011) an telephone briefing was given by Sir John Beddington the UK’s Chief Scientific adviser and Hilary Walker Deputy Director Emergency Preparedness at the Department of Health.

“Unequivocally, Tokyo will not be affected by the radiation fallout of explosions that have or may occur at the Fukushima nuclear power stations.”

The danger area is within the 30 kilometer evacuation zone and no one is recommended or will be allowed to enter this area other than those people directly involved with the emergency procedures currently being undertaken at both Fukushima 1 & 2.

Sir John went on to answer a series of questions including a comparison between Chernobyl and Japan. He said “they are entirely different, Chernobyl exploded and there was a subsequent fire with radioactive materials being launched 30,000 ft into the air.” The maximum height of any Fukushima explosions would be no more than 500 metres.

“The radiation that has been released is miniscule and would have to be orders of 1,000 or more for it to be a threat to humans” This was confirmed by Hilary Walker.

He went on to say that the Japanese authorities are doing their best to keep the reactors cooled and that this is a continuing operation. All workers on site dealing with the emergency are being fully decontaminated at the end of each shift.

When asked on how reliable was the information coming from the Japanese authorities as to radiation levels he said “this cannot be fabricated and the Japanese authorities are positing all the readings on the recognized international inforamton sites which they are obliged to do. Independent verification shows that the data provided is accurate”.

In answer to a specific question from the Head of the British School in Tokyo, Sir John Beddington and Hilary Walker said that there was no reason at all for the school to be closed unless there were other issues such as power outages and transport problems.

David Fitton, First Minister at the British Embassy in Tokyo moderated the teleconference and confirmed that a transcript of the briefing will be available on the Embassy website later today.

BCCJ members are encouraged to regularly check the Embassy website as well as the Chamber website and Facebook sites for the latest information


